How do I unsubscribe from the webinar?

If you registered for our free webinar but cannot attend at your assigned time, here is what you can do:

I want to watch it another time

You simply need to go back to the page where you signed up for the webinar and book a new spot. All time slots and days will appear in your time zone so no need to worry about any time zone confusion.

We will also send you the replay link 24 hours after the webinar is over so that you can re-watch it again.

I don’t want to watch it at all

We hate to hear that, but we understand. You don’t have to personally cancel the webinar.

If you would like to unsubscribe from the notifications about the webinar, you just need to scroll to the end of the email and click on the unsubscribe link. This link will take you to a page where you need to hit the Unsubscribe button.

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